Let us remember for example, that a few weeks ago in Bangladesh, a country of little geopolitical importance, the United States carried out a “colour revolution” by removing the prime minister from the government and installing a puppet government.
But imperialism is not only targeting the countries of the so-called “Global South”; the same fate befalls its allies and partners of the capitalist system – Europe, Japan, Australia, Canada and others – forcing them headlong to adopt its political agenda of military confrontation with Russia and China.
The capitalist system is experiencing its final crisis. Large sums of capital have already been hidden in tax havens, making productive investment impossible. The machinery of consumption has been paralyzed as well as that of production. Consumption is the gateway to capitalist production. And even if wages, pensions and social services could satisfy all needs, the productive capacity developed by the modern social division of labour and the productivity of the new technologies have produced a quantity of wealth that impoverishes society instead of enriching it. It has thus developed such a contradiction that the bourgeoisie has no other solution than fascism and war.
Fascism is therefore the regime that corresponds to the economic structure in which the bourgeoisie – after having lost control of the productive forces that it helped to develop itself – wants to impose on the masses of the whole world in order to remain the ruling class of society. The bourgeoisie will not leave the stage of history without a fight, and for this reason it is preparing for a third world war.
The new Anti-Fascist International is taking up the historic task of solving this problem, which can only be accomplished on the scale of the entire world.
As the poet Machado said: ” it is by walking that we dig the road “.
We, the Posadists, support this historic initiative taken by the government of the Bolivarian Republic. This initiative has been set in motion by the PSUV, by the workers of the CLAP[1], by the people of the Communes[2], all those who perpetuate the legacy of President Hugo Chavez and made possible this third presidential term of Nicolas Maduro. We enthusiastically welcome the invitation to participate in this great project. We shall bring to it all the theoretical wealth and militant experience that J. Posadas taught us.
(official version adopted on 28/11/2024)
Today, 1,100 delegates from 76 countries celebrate in Caracas the Promotional Team of the Anti-Fascist International. Its aim is to lay the solid foundations for the creation of a powerful global and organic structure, to definitely defeat and extinguish fascism, neo-Fascism, zionism and similar expressions.
The Anti-Fascist International is inspired by the principles of revolutionary internationalism in order to articulate the struggle of all the peoples of the South to preserve life, save the human species and the planet from fascism, neo-fascism, zionism and similar expressions. We consider that the resurgence of these historical aberrations constitutes the greatest threat facing the world today. We need to agree on solidarity and binding actions that penalise practices that instigate hatred, extremist fanaticism, xenophobia, misogyny, aporophobia[3], revanchism, violence, death, and all the forms of the annihilation of difference utilised by fascism.
We express our strongest will and enthusiasm to create new forms of common riches, by the promotion of the resistance actions that permit us to configure a great historical block, in order to converts destiny into consciousness. This is why we came here today to make of Caracas the beaming lighthouse of the global fight against fascism. To this end, free peoples and defenders of a new world constitute a Promoting Team of the Anti-Fascist International.
This is why on this 28 November 2024, from Caracas Venezuela, the land of Simón Bolívar and Hugo Chávez, bravely directed by President Nicolas Maduro today, after an intense and fruitful experience together, we close this Meeting with the resolve to present the Antifascist Declaration of Caracas to the world. With this declaration, our hope is to advance from the phase that diagnoses fascism, neo-fascism and similar expressions, and pass actively and collectively over to the struggle against this dangerous expansionism.
To this end, the plenary session made up of one thousand two hundred delegates from 76 countries, PROCLAIMS:
1. Our commitment to popular, participatory and leading democracy of the people, as a fundamental axis for the promotion of World Peace, the peaceful resolution of conflicts and the defence of the sovereignty of the people.
2. We demand the immediate cessation of all forms of violence and crimes of aggression against the peoples who are victims of Zionism, including the illegal occupation of their territories, neo-colonialist practices and the violation of the right to self-determination. We urge all the peoples of the world to act to end this genocide, and to support the legitimate aspirations of the peoples to sovereignty, freedom and justice. For all these reasons, we advocate for the full and immediate international recognition of the State of Palestine and the sovereignty of Lebanon.
We insist on:
3. A peaceful resolution to the war conflict instigated by NATO’s expansionist and warmongering machinery in Ukraine, against the Russian Federation. We urge all the humanist and progressive forces in the world to gather all efforts to preserve the strategic security of all nations and avoid a nuclear conflagration.
4. The rescue of the historical experiences of struggle of all the peoples of the world against fascism and bourgeois liberal democracies. Especially, we claim the epic of all the peoples of the former Soviet Union in the victory over Nazi-fascism, which defended the freedom and culture of humanity against Nazi barbarism.
5. The condemnation all forms of war and interventions imposed by imperialist powers, which seek to destabilize and subjugate the peoples of the world.
6. Our rejection of imperialism as a structural promoter of fascism through the constant sowing of fear and terror in the economic, political, military, technological, cultural and social spheres. Imperialism intends to ensure its hegemony, the exploitation of the people and the plundering of the planet’s natural and strategic resources.
7. The defence of education and the construction of a NEW WORLD more sensitive and human, pluripolar and multicentric fertilized and harvested by education as the praxis of social transformation, thus connecting the university with our peoples (see Spanish version).
8. Establishing the think tank of deepening research, study and training, to decode the multiple mutations of fascism, and to neutralize its various strategies and tactics.
9. Mustering a movement of computer and systems’ technologists that lets us challenge the algorithms and communication networks controlled by economic powers.
10. That the Antifascist International is convinced that we must make use of hybrid communication strategies, combine the emerging technologies with the traditional ones – banners, murals and flyers included. We must look at each other face to face to discuss and generate revolutionary processes and promote humanity in all our communities.
11. That, in the novel and mutant ecosystem of digital ideological networks (misnamed social media), we see both an epistemic challenge (related to pure knowledge) and a practical one. Although their contents are ideological commodities at the service of the social metabolic reproduction of the capitalist system, it is also clear that they can facilitate the creation of networks to debate, investigate and update our cognitive means of defence. Therefore, we need to adopt a critical, active, effective and responsible use of emerging technologies, promoting initiatives to counteract the misinformation and the lack of communication that produce the atrocities of cognitive warfare and hate campaigns against our peoples. In this sense, we declare ourselves in permanent struggle against the hegemonic centres that disseminate fascism from technological platforms, transnational communication corporations and digital networks.
12. That we must return to the defence of human rights with great force. We express our condemnation of all forms of violation of human rights perpetrated by imperialism through fascism, neo-fascism, neo-colonialism and other forms of oppression aimed at subjugating sovereign nations and undermining the good life of our peoples.
13. Implementing policies and actions of solidarity with Palestine, Sahrawi (Polisario), Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, and against all unilateral arbitrary actions.
14. Our unity to be national, regional and global. The struggle must find us organized, side by side, in a broad diversity that includes workers’ struggles in countries that face fascism and neoliberal genocidal policies.
15. The Antifascist International agrees with the recent proposal to organise the Youth Festival to be held on January 8, 9 and 10, 2025, and calls for participation too, in the Great Festival of the Movements for Humanity. It counts on the aid and participation of all sectoral and regional sections, whose conclusions are presented at the highest political decision-making body of the International, the Grand Plenary of the Anti-Fascist International.
16. We establish the World Observatory against fascism, neo-fascism, neo-colonialism and other forms of oppression; create an international body dedicated to monitoring, investigating and denouncing imperialist and fascist aggression, supporting countries that are victims of these forms of violence and strengthening cooperation between different parliaments in order to defend the sovereignty of the people.
17. We create the Executive Secretariat of the Anti-Fascist International Movement, based in Caracas, as the body in charge of coordinating the organisational, communication and ideological aspects of the organisation, ensuring the monitoring and effective articulation of political action.
18. We convene a meeting of intellectuals and academics in January to formalize the creation of a think tank, called: Caracas Forum, intended for strategic reflection and the generation of proposals for the anti-fascist struggle.
19. We set up a network of jurists linked to the Anti-Fascist International, aimed at providing legal support for the actions promoted by the organisation.
20. We commit to founding work teams of the Anti-Fascist International in the 76 countries participating in this World Meeting, as an organic platform to guarantee victory in the definitive battle against fascism, neo-fascism, Zionism and similar expressions.
The basis of our unified work must be the Caracas Anti-Fascist Declaration for a New World.
(official version adopted on 11/28/2024)
Feature photo: Opening of the International Anti-Fascist Committee with Foreign Affairs Minister Yván Gil and Rander Peña PSUV representative. Nov 27, 2024 Photo: Yvan Gil
¡Estamos dando inicio a una nueva era! Siguiendo las instrucciones del Presidente Nicolas Maduro, hoy hemos establecido el Comité Promotor Internacional Antifascista, que reúne a delegados de diversas naciones. Juntos, sentaremos las bases para el lanzamiento del Frente Antifascista Mundial, una iniciativa originada en Venezuela, comprometida con la lucha por la humanidad.
Autor: MLM
Fuente: VTV Canal8 – Yvan Gil
[1] CLAP – Comité Local de Abastecimiento y Production: It is a State controlled popular committee of food distribution through which the community supplies and distributes priority foods with deliveries in every home.
[2] In Dec 2024, around 50,000 Communes were registered in Venezuela. Despite the scornfulness of the western media, they play a key role in the Bolivarian revolution.
[3] Phobia of poor and disadvantaged people.