BOOK LAUNCH – 30 May 2015, 11-5pm

Come to the Book Launch of ‘Revolutionary State and Transition to Socialism’

J. Posadas (1912-1981)


Revolutionary State and Transition to Socialism – by J. Posadas 

was published November 2014

ISBN 978-0-907694-08- 3

in the Scientific, Cultural and Political Editions.

It will be formally launched:

on Saturday 30 May 2015 at the Marx Memorial Library, London EC1R ODU 

from 11am to 5pm, with a light buffet

Free entry but participation must be booked by contacting – or 0770 993 2267

There will be a presentation of the book’s contents, followed by introductory speeches on Peronism in Argentina, and on the Revolutionary States of Bolivia and Iran today.

Plenty of time for debate.


Scientific, Cultural and Political Editions, London W2 1NS –

Author Description

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