Les, 24.10.2014 –

The Posadist IV International congratulates the President Nicolas Maduro for the UN election of Venezuela as (non-permanent) Member of the UN Security Council. Commandant Hugo Chavez was already fighting for this in 2006, to make the Council more representative of our multipolar world and to insist on peace and security in the world for all countries. It was in the name of the defence of its international values and principles that the United States voted against Venezuela’s entry, but the 181 votes in favour show that a new balance of forces is rising in the world.

Latin American countries like Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Argentina, Uruguay – and Brazil with the recent re-election of Dilma Rousseff as president – play an essential role in the advance of the revolutionary process. They endorse the need to build a world of solidarity that breaks with the laws of capitalism.

Venezuela is experiencing a very difficult situation. It is battling against counter-revolutionary forces within the country, supported by the reactionary governments of the zone[1] and by the United States. Not only these forces use fascist methods to terrorise the Venezuelan people, they can kill those who get elected, as they did to Deputy (MP) Roberto Serra[2].

The above-mentioned victory of Venezuela at the United Nations shows that the Bolivarian Revolution keeps widening its base of world support.

Venezuela plays an important role in the world where it stimulates the forces of the revolution through its anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist firmness. It does this also through its internationalist position of support for Cuba, Palestine, Syria and Iran; it does this through its solidarity with all those who seek to be free of capitalist oppression in the world, and it does this also through its tenacious determination to build popular organs of integration across boundaries, through organisations like Alba, Petrocaribe, Unasur, Celac[3].

Some Alba leaders
Some Alba leaders

We also salute President Nicolas Maduro for his resolution to continue the task of Hugo Chavez. He serves the continued advance of the Venezuelan Revolution by focusing on the aspects most needed for the construction of a socialist society, and by his particular emphasis on having the role of the Party (United Socialist Party of Venezuela, PSUV) improved, along with the organs of Popular Power.

The will of president Nicolas Maduro to achieve was demonstrated on the occasion of the Third Congress of the PSUV. There, the decision was taken to make the Party more ready for the task of transforming the revolutionary process and leading the transition to Socialism. This task is fundamental. It inevitably deepens the struggle in the Party at all levels, since the aim is to intervene in favour of the transformation of the State. The Party is led to combat all the manifestations of corruption and bureaucracy. It is having to defeat what resists and puts obstacles in the way of the organised expression of the will of the masses.


By taking on the presidency of the PSUV, Nicolas Maduro accomplishes a lot. We salute this audacity as it rises to the challenge of a very stressful period of war goaded by the reactionary and fascist forces of the country. We support the president when he speaks of the need for a “political revolution that must transform all the structures; that must transfer all what is left of bourgeois power to the people, and prevent the bureaucrats succumbing to the influence of economic groups thirsty for power. The counter-revolution of these people operates truly but silently, gains territory and corrupts the functionaries”.

This commitment of Nicolas Maduro is very important because it gives political support to the people. The task at hand demands an increase in capacity and means for the population within its own organisations.

The Communal Councils of the population are already understood as cornerstones for the transformation of the State. Only the people can guarantee the future of the revolution through their participation in the political, economic, social and cultural fields, and in everything else necessary. The restructuring of [mass] participation is set to be concentrated in the organisation of the Communes, the Communal Councils and of the Communal State. This is the road to democratic progress. It is a very powerful engine to achieve this political leap.

The construction of the Communes started with popular initiatives, in resistance to capitalism. Given full legitimacy now, the Communes make headway against all manner of speculation, bureaucratisation and corruption. The active participation of the people in the administration of its own resources is a very elevated form of democracy, comparable to the Soviets in the first years of the Soviet Union.

No other country has gone that far in the way of popular intervention – least of all the capitalist countries, for all their pretence to be at the cutting edge of the democratic process. To this necessity, the Venezuelan population responds precisely and objectively, by creating Communal Enterprises of Social property in all sectors: health, education, sports, culture, house construction and public works. It is in these actions of managing and exercising power that the population becomes formed and trained. Its knowledge deepens. Although the revolutionary process is a sharp one of class struggle, it learns to remove the obstacles in its way, through mass involvement and leading actions.

What we witness here are measures of organisation of the Party and popular organisms. These measures are very important to bring about a decisive progress of revolutionary transformation and transition to Socialism. We think that they (these measures) are basic foundations upon which to build the transformation of the State.

In this process of restructuring the Party, it is necessary to integrate also the functioning of the working class as organ of political power. The State Monopoly of Foreign Trade is necessary to improve economic planning, supply better the population with basics, and make this process irreversible.

For more than 15 years Venezuela has been furthering its socialist transformation. Here is a vivid experience in the matter of building a world without war or competition; a world that is solidary, ecologist and concerned for the future of the planet.

We give all our support to the brave Venezuelan people in this struggle for dignity. We support its president, and his Chavist team, who have the audacity to persist in the construction of a Socialist Venezuela in spite of all the difficulties.

Les, 24.10.2014

[1] On 27 January 2015, a counter-revolutionary press conference was attempted in Caracas by Pastrana of Colombia, Pinera of Chile and Calderon of Mexico who had gathered there, with the intention of visiting Lopez in prison. On 19 Feb 15, the Mayor of Caracas Antonio Ledezma was arrested, along with others.

[2] Robert Serra was stabbed at home, along with his companion, on 1 Oct 2014. His bodyguard confessed to having allowed the entry of six killers. Later, these were shown to be connected with Colombian-Venezuelan paramilitaries. Padilla Mendoza was arrested and is in jail in Colombia. This event was also linked to the circles around the ex-Colombian president Uribe, and Maria Corina Machado. Individuals like Valles and Saleh, deported from Colombia, are now in jail in Venezuela. In the estimation of the US under-secretary of State Roberta Jacobson, such punishments prove that “intimidation” reigns in Venezuela and that human rights are not respected there.

[3] Alba: “Bolivarian Alliance of Peoples of Our America” for social, economic and political integration. It includes Cuba, Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, amongst others. Petrocaribe: Initiative of Alba: Oil alliance between Venezuela and the Caribbean. Unasur: Initiative of Alba: Economic & political collaborative integration of Argentina, Uruguay, Peru, Chile, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Guyana, Paraguay and Suriname. Celac: Community of Latin America and the Caribbean States. Contains the whole American continent, to the exception of the US and Canada.

Note: The reader will know that another coup against the Maduro government was foiled in Feb 2015. The plan, meant to happen on 11 Feb, envisaged the bombing of the Presidential Palace, the storming of TV stations, and ‘regime change’. This failed however thanks to the loyalty of the military high command, the solidarity of the population with the government and the strong support of the Alba, Celac and G77+China countries (See note 3 below). The Alba organisation denounced this latest aggression against Venezuela as “an aggression against each and every member country”. Faced with unceasing provocations and coup preparations, Nicola Maduro has decided to meet with more radical force the constant provocations of “the parasitic and speculative Venezuelan oligarchy”. Some sectors in the PSUV speak in favour of arming the workers and extending the nationalisations. Legislative elections are later this year., 28.2.2015

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