Faced with the coronavirus, the US European Commander declared: “our first concern is to protect the health of our forces and of our Allies”. This signalled a decrease in the number of soldiers involved in Exercise Defender Europe 2020, but the latter continues.



Manlio Dinucci’s article below – Doctor Strangelove watches over your health” – analyses very clearly the link between the Corona virus pandemic and NATO’s war preparations. Operation DEFENDER 2020, which declares that Russia is its target, has not been cancelled; hardly set back by the defection of Finland and Norway, it continues its exercises with real atomic bombs and real plans of atomic attack. You don’t have to adhere to any “conspiracy theory” to realise that the use of the atomic bomb by US military forces is part of NATO’s strategy.

The Posadists Today.

The art of War

Doctor Strangelove takes care of our health

Manlio Dinucci

(Il manifesto, 24 March 2020)

Faced with the coronavirus, the US European Commander declared: “our first concern is to protect the health of our forces and of our Allies”. A decrease in the number of soldiers involved in Exercise Defender Europe 20 was announced, but the latter continues.

On 16 March 2020, the US European Command declared [via the General Tod D. Wolters] that: “since January, the US Army had airlifted 6,000 soldiers from the United States to Europe” along with 12,000 pieces of equipment, from personal armaments to tanks. The US shipped  approximately 9,000 vehicles and pieces of equipment from Army Prepositioned Stocks and approximately 3,000 pieces of equipment from the United States. It also completed the movement of soldiers and equipment from multiple ports over to training areas in Germany and Poland. Additionally, 9,000 the US service personnel based in Europe are also part of the exercise.

The US declares that through this exercise, its aim is “to deploy a credible combat force in Europe in support of NATO” against “Russian aggression” evidently.  But as we wrote six weeks ago in Il Manifesto, the true US purpose is to create tensions and build up the idea of a scary enemy. Il Manifesto was then the only paper to tell about Defender Europe 2020.

The scenario of the operations as depicted by the US stands no chance of ever being verified, notably because any armed confrontation between NATO and Russia will inevitably be nuclear. This is the true scenario for which the US forces do train in Europe. This was confirmed by General Tod D. Wolters himself, head of the United States European Command, i.e. the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe. On 25 February 2020 and during a hearing in the United States Senate, he declared that:  “The nuclear forces, ultimate guarantee of security for the Allies, underwrite every US military operation in Europe“.  Defender Europe 20 is therefore not just an exercise of conventional (non-nuclear) forces. It is an exercise of nuclear forces.

On 18 March, it was reported that two US nuclear attack bombers B-2 Spirit (part of the task force that arrived from the US on March 9) left the Fairford base in Britain [Gloucestershire] to go and train over Iceland and the North Atlantic with three Norwegian F-35 fighter jets. These two types of aircraft are designed for the use of the new B61-12 nuclear bombs. These bombs are soon going to be deployed by the USA in Italy and other European countries to replace the current B-61s.

In the Senate hearing, General Wolters clarified the role of the US Nuclear Forces in Europe. When Senator Fischer asked him what he thought of the non-first-use of nuclear weapons, the General replied: “Senator, I am a supporter of a flexible first-use policy”. He, who is responsible for the US/NATO nuclear weapons in Europe, was officially saying that he supports their first use for the first strike, on the basis of a “flexible” criterion of nuclear attack by surprise.

In front of a declaration of this gravity, which pushes Russian Generals to put their finger on the nuclear trigger, complete silence from Governments, Parliaments and major European media. In the same hearing, General Wolters recalled that: “Since 2015 the Alliance has placed most of its emphasis on the role of nuclear capabilities” and that: “the European Command of the United States fully supports the recommendations contained in the Nuclear Posture Review 2018, to deploy the W76-2 low-power ballistic missile”.

The low-power nuclear warhead W76-2, already installed on submarine-launched missiles (as announced by the Pentagon on 4 February), can also be installed on ground-based ballistic missiles near enemy territory. The US Navy has fielded the W76-2 low-yield nuclear warhead. It is used on the submarine-launched Trident II ballistic missile. It is particularly dangerous. Even authoritative US experts warn that: “less powerful nuclear weapons increase the temptation to use them first, and can lead commanders in an attack to have them used on ground that their radioactive fallout will be limited”. But the contrary is the case. It would be like throwing a match in the powder keg”.

Manlio Dinucci – 24.3.20 –

Automatic translation revised by the Posadists Today.


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