Here are Extracts of this new chapter to present the text to the reader:

“…On the capitalist system: With a desperate need to lower prices to keep on top of competition, the various capitalists renew their attacks on the working class and increase their use of automation.

It had not been their intention to spend more on ‘constant capital’, but competition forced them to do it. This is happening now, every day.

Not all the capitalists can afford it, only the biggest can. Worldwide, this liquidates huge layers of the capitalist class. This liquidates therefore huge layers of the working class and petit bourgeoisie.

This crisis was always happening in the past. In the worst cases of such crises, the remedy of the capitalist system was generalised world war.

All in all, it is not the aim of the capitalists to liquidate manpower. They are driven to it. Their need to compete drives them to it. The unprecedented level of world competition today drives them, like never before, towards large-scale and generalised war.

Capitalism is no longer free to launch total war as it used to do in the past. Not in the way of the past. It can no longer terrify the masses as fully as it used to do in the past. It fears that there will be popular reactions this time, and that it will not be able to control them.

One must start from the fact that the capitalist system has become utterly incapable of raising the standards of human life. It can no longer grant any improvement. This abjectness shows in the way Germany – the ‘great’ German capitalist State – owes fortunes to the capitalists. This is of course one of the ways through which the State is kept under the heel of capital, and dominated by it.

But times are changing”.

J Posadas, Extracts. 18.3.1979.

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Look on these links for the electronic book: The Tasks for the Left in the Labour Party, by the author J Posadas. A small search will lead you to a short biography of the author who died in 1981.

We re-publish these documents in 2017 because they continue to be relevant today, and are in some ways even more relevant today than ever they were.

The Posadists Today. 15.7.2017



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