The Posadist IV International salutes fraternally all the comrades participating here in the celebration of the Centenary of the Russian Revolution.

Members or not of the Communist Party, we are all the children of the October Revolution. It opened a new era in humanity, the era when the construction of Socialism started on a world scale.

In spite of all the difficulties, the errors, the partial retreats, the Soviet Union – first Workers State in history – has not died. This is our view.

We seek a return to our roots, a going back to 1917, a grasp of the historic significance of the USSR.

We rest on what is left of the Workers State, its experiences in Soviet democracy, its decisive contribution to the liberation of the peoples, its victory over fascism.

We will continue to build the unity of the oppressed masses of the world, to banish exploitation and the wars engendered by the capitalist system.

We must build the International of Humankind.

The beautiful song of the La Jeune Garde says: “Down with the capitalist yoke. In the whole world, the only fatherland of the oppressed is the Socialist United States”.

Viva the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics of the whole world.

4 Nov 2017 – Posadist IV International.


Nous sommes la Jeune Garde, Nous sommes les gars de l’avenir, Eleves dans la souffrance, Oui nous saurons vaincre ou mourir.

Nous travaillons pour la bonne cause, Pour delivrer le genre humain, Tant pis si notre sang arose, Les paves sur notre chemin.

PRENEZ GARDE! PRENEZ GARDE! Vous les sabreurs, les bourgeois, les cures et les gaves, V’la la Jeune Garde, la Jeune Garde, qui descend sur le pave!

C’est la lutte finale qui commence, C’est la revolte de tous les meurt-de- faim, C’est la Revolution qui s’avance, et qui sera victorieuse demain.


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