In this Letter to the Peoples of the World, Nicolas Maduro reasserts his country’s determination not to let go of what world colonialism wishes to deny it: Sovereignty, dignity and territorial integrity.
The Posadists Today applaud this letter and the desire of the Revolutionary State of Venezuela – as demonstrated by its leader Nicolas Maduro – to inform the whole world of its achievements. One of its most important achievements lies in its elevated form of participatory democracy, with its social Missiones and its collaboration with Cuba for social equity and the most complete defeat of the Covid19 pandemic.
Comrades will take heart from the election of Russia, China and Cuba to the UN Human Rights Council, where Venezuela was also elected in 2019. In this way, the member-countries of the UN’s general assembly – in spite of their limitations – show their respect for Venezuela and its allies, and their readiness therefore to take heed of this Letter.
If the US has not been able to invade Venezuela so far, it is thanks to the many in the world who condemn the criminal US blocus on Venezuela and all its allies. As with the sanctions against Cuba, this blocus is indeed “a crime against humanity” – just as withholding the Venezuelan gold in London is a British crime, particularly in these dire times of the Covid19 pandemic.
The Posadists Today say: Return its gold to the Maduro government. Victory to Venezuela at the International Criminal Court!
Here goes the text of the Letter: