The Posadists Today reproduce by permission extracts from the French original to be found in Venezuelainfo, 23 July 2017.
URL de cet article : http://wp.me/p2ahp2-2W6 –
From Gonzalo Armua, Executive Secretary of the Social Movements of Alba
(See notes on the Social Movement Council at the end)
Dear companions of the social movements and popular organisations of the continent and of the whole world:
At this moment, a lot of the destiny of Latin America and the Caribbean hangs in the balance. This is precisely why the batteries of the international Conservatives do their best – the medias in particular – to legitimise terrorist actions (disguised as popular revolt), and to consign the Chavista population to invisibility. This was the sense of Trump’s declarations and of Marco Rubio, the North-American Senator. It was the sense of the visit of Luis Almagro (General Secretary of the American States) to the US Senate; these, and the declarations of the right wing opposition (MUD) give very clear signals. They lay the ground to create generalised civil war and to grab political power by force.

Against unprecedented harassment and exceptional brain-washing, the people prepare to vote this Sunday 30th July to elect the deputies of the Constituent National Assembly. In this context, we believe that it is indispensable to join up all the means of communication to hoist a visible image other than that of the medias.
We launch an appeal for all to participate in the campaign “Venezuela Heart of America” and muster all possible support for the Bolivarian Revolution. Let us defend the right of the Venezuelans to take part in this ballot. Let us uphold the National Constituent Assembly as a process that is legitimate and popular – a process supported by all those who defend self-determination, sovereignty and peace, in the face of aggression.
Beyond the realisation of street and solidarity actions, demonstrations and assemblies in each country, we propose a strategy for a unified campaign on the web and on all social medias.
This vote on Sunday puts an obstacle in the way of cowardly fascist violence. It also gives a lesson in how a population goes about its emancipation. It showcases a people in the full exercise of its power to participate, discuss and decide the destiny of its country.
As this hour sounded in the great fatherland, some of yesterday’s friends and allies took shelter behind abstract criticisms. But for what regards us, the popular movements throughout the Continent, we continue to put all our forces behind the Bolivian Revolution.

We know that it is at such times that the peoples come up with their best endeavours of liberation. We have no doubt that the Venezuelan people prepare in this way.
The role of all brother countries is to continue to denounce the atrocities of the fascist right-wings and the top medias that won’t even report them. Our role is to mobilise. We want to demonstrate that the Bolivarian project lives on in our hearts, and that the Constituent Assembly can assume its tasks in every part of Abya Yala land[2].
At this historic moment, Venezuela beats like a heart. One can feel the pulse of revolutionary integration straining towards our second and definitive independence. This is why we declare Venezuela “The Heart of America”.
We, the peoples of ‘Our America’ and of the entire world, continue to raise the banner of president Chavez in solidarity with the Venezuelan people.
We defend the elected and legitimate government of Nicolas Maduro.
We launch the campaign “Venezuela Heart of America” to declare that the Constituent Assembly is the democratic, participative, popular and revolutionary instrument to win peace.
Forward with the Constituent Assembly
Signed by Venezuela Heart of America – We shall overcome!
The above are extracts. The full text is in French – wp.me/p2ahp2–2W6
See also: wp.me/p2ahp2-2Me
Additional information on the “SOCIAL MOVEMENTS’ COUNCIL” (SMC)
The SMC is an anti-imperialist structure that opposes the neo-liberal policies of the Organisation of the American States (OAS) dominated by the United States and their Free Trade Treaties.
The SMC draws around itself the organisations of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America, and those that support the Peoples’ Trade Treaty of Alba-TCP. The countries involved are Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, Ecuador, Domican Rep., St Vincent and Grenadines, Antigua, St Lucia, St Kitts, Grenada. At the 14th Summit of Alba-TCP that took place on 5.3.2017 in Caracas, Nicaragua was invited.
The ALBA-TCP Treaty is a Commercial agreement, which through SMC, has rejected the recent sanctions imposed by the United States on Venezuela.
The SMC seeks the integration of the whole American continent on the basis of social harmony, and harmony with nature. The Indigenous movements of Latin America play a large part in it, along with many others.
The SMC normally presents the proposals of its Social Movements to the authorities of the countries in ALBA-TCP. It also elaborates programmes of development and encourages collaboration between countries.
It intervenes with political positions, appeals and calls for greater continental unity. In this case of the Constituent Assembly in Venezuela, it launched this vibrant appeal for solidarity with Venezuela and support for the Constituent Assembly.
Posadists Today, 29.7.2017
[2] In the Kuna language, Abya Yala means ‘fully prosperous land’. The Kuna are North American indigenous people. In October 2015, Venezuela proposed that the whole Ibero-American continent should be called Abya Yala. This note is from posadiststoday.com.
See also: http://www.venezuelasolidarity.co.uk/eva-golinger-us-aggression-against-venezuela-fact-not-fiction/